The technological revolution has made it impossible to perform any task without computers. Be it at home or at work, computers have become an integral part of our lives. Sitting glued to the computer for hours on end, has an adverse effect on my eyes. For me, the common complaints are redness, blurry vision, headaches and eye strain.
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is common to all age-groups. It is characterised by the above complaints. If we are below 40 years of age, either we have trouble focussing the screen or have trouble in changing the focus, while shifting our vision from the keyboard to the screen. If we are above 40 years of age, the cause of CVS is presbyopia.
I underwent a thorough examination of my eyes and started wearing prescription glasses. In some cases, incorrect prescription glasses can lead to CVS. I have professionally experienced Vision Centers Near Me. Out of which, the Memorial Eye Centre, has the best personalised approach with highly skilled eye care professionals.
When do you need computer glasses?
When conventional glasses do not reduce CVS, you should go for computer glasses. Generally, the computer screen is placed at a distance of 20-26 inches from your eyes. This leads to unhealthy postures causing sore neck and shoulders. The magnification of computer glasses, is approximately 60% of a conventional reading glass. But, optimum focal power, provides you with a clearer and wider view of the screen.
What are the lenses available?
Single vision lenses are the simplest lenses. They provide a relaxed largest field of view and the focal point is kept at your computer screen. Occupational progressive lenses are multifocal for near, intermediate and far visions. This has the largest intermediate zone for focus. Occupational bifocal and trifocal lenses, also have a large intermediate focus zone.
Do you need coatings and tints?
Anti-reflective coating is beneficial in preventing reflection of light from the surface of the lenses. Also, the use of photochromic lenses prevents high-energy blue light from the computer screen, that strains your eyes. A lightly tinted glass will reduce contrast and avoid harsh surrounding light.
You should never buy over-the-counter non-prescription computer glasses. Consult an eye care professional and customise your computer glasses. Before you meet the professional, take the distance from the bridge of your nose to the screen. This gives your eye care professional, the required information, for customising your computer glasses.
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